For Freedom Christ has Set Me Free....
The sense of Deeeeep Freedom
that comes when Living With
and From the Earth.
The pioneer Spirit in building a new life in the "Wilderness".
It is the Abundant Grace
of Random Sights of Beauty
that Emerges and Heals
my Heart's Consciousness.
And Now,
recovering from a profound time of
I am emerging
into New Life....
putting my energies first and foremost into Gleaning
the Abundance of the
Earth and Water
that is around me.
"Energy Follows Thought...."
"Seek First the Kingdom of God"....
"Where your Heart is there Your Treasure Lies"
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly:
What is essential is invisible to the eye."
O Great Spirit...
Let my Energy focus on
What I can do In Receiving
the Abundance that Surrounds me...
I Give thanks for your Graciousness to me
as I begin to have enough energy in my Body
to Engage in the Reality of Living IN Paradise
Where All my Needs can be met....
The REALITY where there is Joy, And Grace and Ease for ALL.
To begin to write this pilgrimage story is to begin to draw together the Threads of My life as though they are being woven on an old fashioned Loom. I re-discovered my "letter to the Churches" (originally reasons for a Sabbatical) at Easter 2010 amidst a Powerful Spiritual Integration experience that is even now continuing.
I am engaging again the Questions and Purposes that led to a Portal to the Holy for Profound healing.
My call to "Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care" has come again.......... Only this time I am being asked to Pray for the Earth....Nurture Communion with the Earth....Finding Sacrament in my Daily Life where my prayers grow organically from the Centre of My Heart and Being.
I have been in a profound process of letting go of the Fences and Walls I put around myself and My God.....letting go of layer after layer of tribal conditioning teaching me what the Limits of Healing or Liberation are....Letting go of the brain washing that occurs with Institutionalization....Letting go of the Status Quo as the ONLY PATH to True At One Ment with Myself.
Re-discovering that Morality is determined by the Compassion we offer ourselves and one another rather than the Laws and Conditioning we adhere to.
In the last 8 years my life force has been leaking away due to a Shattered Spirit & and Psyche...A shattered "Naphsha"...a Hebrew word, I believe speaking to the Essence of who we are....And My Essence was Lost to Me.
I have been in a profound Spiritual Cocoon in my Pink Hermitage for almost 5 years now. It has been only by surrendering to the Call of BEING that the Spirit has been able to Restore My Soul...Restore My Essence.
As I gleaned wood off the beach to sustain my central heat Yesterday a deep sense of Trust and Liberation began to flow through me....deeply enough that the Vastness of Grace felt Frightening....Awesome....An Encounter with the Holy, where the sense of "Numinous" floods one's multi-dimensional consciousness.....I have no money to buy wood, and the Paradise that I live in provides. I do not have a chain saw, and yet the wood and the Beach come in such a range of sizes that I got 4 large totes of wood ready to burn.
FREEDOM, living in a Recycling State of being...I am taking only that which gathers on stoney beaches, given up by the Ocean herself.
I am truly beginning to disengage from the Conditioning that for me to survive I need to Purchase it from another. This lifestyle is so radical it could topple Financial Institutions, Business Corporations, and Self-Serving Governments, should enough people choose it.
There is an Ancient Life Source and Power that moves through me
just by my Rejoicing
in the Responsibility I have
in my Own Abundance....
by Setting My Thoughts on What brings Peace in My Trust and Relation ship through the Sacred Word
Expressed in Our Sentient Earth.
The Earth itself is our Bread of Life...
The Cup that overflows,
The Water that turns to wine,
the flask of Oil that lasts until there is more,
the bowl of meal that feeds until more is received
Living with a growing Confidence
as I Experience
the Reality of
"Today my Daily Bread Comes."
Only Now is this part of my Journey Peace Intention coming into being.
Only Now am ready to BEGIN Receive Grace of Daily Physical Sustenance in All Its Fullness as part of My Relationship to The Earth and the Spirit that Speaks Its Divine Word through all of Creation.
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